Vijesti iz: CUP Opatija
46. CUP Opatija 2019, day 2
CUP OpatijaOn the second day of the competition 3 races were sailed. The first race is sailed by a tramontana of 7-13 knots, while the other two races by a bura of 15-20 knots.The start of the next sailing is scheduled for Sunday, 01.12.2019 at 8:00 in the morning. Drugi dan natjecanja odjedrena su 3 plova. […]
46. CUP Opatija 2019 – notice, sailing instructions
CUP OpatijaNOTICE FROM ORGANIZING COMMITTEE All announced Classes will be participating on 46. Cup Opatija 2019. Sailing instructions: Sailing instructions (.pdf)
46. CUP Opatija 2019., online prijava, oglas
CUP OpatijaOn following link you can: find Notice of race make online application. see preliminary starting list. Online entries are closing on 26.11.2019. Online entries have to be confirmed in Race Office at latest by 28.11.2019 Klikom na link možete pregledati sve dosadašnje prijave i/ili ispuniti vašu klubsku prijavnicu. ONLINE PRIJAVA(online prijave se primaju do 26. studeni […]