29. Međunarodni Karneval Kup / International Carnival Cup 2023., results
Uspješno je okončan 29. MEĐUNARODNI KARNEVAL KUP 2023. za klasu Optimist. Inače je ova regata kvalifikacijska za regiju sjeverni Jadran, a prvih 40 jedriličara stječe pravo sudjelovanja na izbornim regatama gdje zajedno jedre optimisti, regija sjever i jug a najbolji svojim plasmanima izbore odlazak na svjetsko i evropsko prvenstvo.
Što se tiče ove regate, ona je protekla u najboljem izdanju sa odjedrenih svih i planiranih 7 plovova. U petak i subotu svaki dan odjedreno je po 3 plova i to po sjeveroistočnjaku (buri) snage 12-24 čvora. Posljednjeg dana u nedjelju odjedreno je i posljednje sedmo jedrenje. Na start se izašlo ujutro vrlo rano a start je uslijedio u 8:30 po čuvenoj Vološćanskoj tramontani snage 10-20 čvorova.
Na regati sudjelovalo je 83 jedriličara i jedriličarki iz 15 klubova dok je regatu sudio međunarodni žiri sastavljen od sudaca iz Italije, Srbije, Francuske i Hrvatske.
The 29th INTERNATIONAL CARNIVAL CUP 2023 for the Optimist class has been successfully concluded. This regatta is a qualification for the North Adriatic region, and the top 40 sailors earn the right to participate in the selection regattas, where Optimists from the North and South regions sail together, and the best sailors qualify for the world and European championships based on their rankings.
As for this regatta, it was the best edition yet, with all seven scheduled races successfully completed. On Friday and Saturday, three races were sailed each day in a northeast wind (bura) with a strength of 12-24 knots. The last race was sailed on Sunday, with the start taking place early in the morning at 8:30 a.m. in the famous Vološćanska tramontana wind with a strength of 10-20 knots.
A total of 83 male and female sailors from 15 clubs participated in the regatta, which was judged by an international jury consisting of judges from Italy, Serbia, France, and Croatia.
Rezultati su sljedeći:
Djevojčice do 12 god – girls-U12.pdf
- RITA LUKARIĆ (JK Val, Crikvenica)
- LARA MAVRIĆ (JK Plav, Krk)
- ANA PERUŠIĆ (JK Uljanik, Pula)
Dječaci do 12 god – boys-U12.pdf
- DAVID NICOLETTI (JK Horizont, Poreč)
- LEON LABINJAN (JK Horizont, Poreč)
Djevojčice ukupno – girls-overall.pdf
- UNA KRIVIĆ (JK Uljanik, Pula)
- Lara Batelić (JK Kvarner, Rabac)
- Alexandra Ivanova (JK Opatija, Opatija)
OPTIMIST UKUPNO – optimist-overall.pdf
- BORNA MOHAČ (JK Val, Crikvenica)
- UNA KRIVIĆ (JK Uljanik, Pula)
- MARO BRATONJA (JK Opatija, Opatija)